04.03.2024 - 07.03.2024

Chemtech & PharmaWorldExpo 2024 

Location: Bombay Convention & Exhibition Centre
Organizer: Chemtech & Jasubhai Media Pvt Ltd. 
Frequency: biennial Exhibitors: 615 Visitors: 18,962

Industry sector: Chemicals, Waste Management, Petrochemicals, Water Technology

Chemtech & Pharma World Expo / WaterEX

International Exhibition & Conference on Chemicals, Petrochemicals & Process Industry

Chemtech World Expo is the second largest global event for the chemical industry. The size of the economy, demographics and continued high growth, make India a key market for the future.

On behalf of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection and in cooperation with the VDMA Frankfurt, we are once again organizing the official German joint stand at the ChemTECH World Expo in Mumbai.

The size of the economy, demographics and sustained high growth continue to make India the most important market of the future after China. In the long term, India is considered to be one of the most promising markets worldwide for the chemical industry due to a growing middle class that is keen to consume and a high pent-up demand. Many international chemical companies have now settled in the country. Nevertheless, the country is dependent on chemical imports. German suppliers are traditionally well positioned and also supply machinery and equipment.

German companies have the opportunity to participate in this trade fair at favorable conditions as part of the joint stand.

Registration for ChemTECH 2024 is now only possible online.

Each exhibitor must obtain accreditation once in advance before they can register for the joint stand. Please start your accreditation here: https://registration.german-pavilion.com/

You can register after accreditation at the following link: https://registration.german-pavilion.com/exhibitor/application/880

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Bombay Convention & Exhibition Centre

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