ECOMONDO 2024 - International trade fair for green technology
Ecomondo is an international trade fair specializing in innovative technologies, services and industrial solutions in the green and circular economy.
On behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection and in cooperation with RE Tech (German Recycling Technologies and Waste Management Partnership e.V.), we are once again organizing the official German joint stand at this year's ECOMOMDO in Rimini.
All areas of the circular economy (including construction, packaging, electronics and the automotive industry) are brought together on one platform at ECOMONDO: from the recovery of materials and energy to sustainable development. A wide range of technical possibilities, systems, equipment and services for solving complex environmental problems will be presented.
The BMWK offers 2 participation variants:
- Stand with stand construction from at least 9 sqm for € 280.00 / sqm
- Infopoint on approx. 2 sqm for a flat rate of € 750.00
German companies therefore have the opportunity to take part in this trade fair at favorable conditions as part of the joint stand.
Registration for ECOMONDO 2024 will only take place online. Each exhibitor must be accredited once in advance before they can register for the joint stand. Please start your accreditation here:
You can register online after accreditation. Please click on the registration button at the top right.
Registration deadline is 05.07.2024
What are the advantages of your participation in the official German joint stand?
- Heavily subsidized price through BMWK funding
- Lounge with catering for customer meetings
- Internet presence ( + flyer of the federal government
- German contact person during the preparation of the fair and on site
- From 50m² individual stand construction possible